Embed a Single Sermon (Audio/Video)

The embed editor on SermonAudio allows you to embed sermons and videos from SermonAudio in your website or blog, and to customize how they are displayed on your site. The editor allows you to set up an embed for a video, audio sermon, webcast, or sermon browser.

Video Embed

The video embed editor gives you the option of embedding a single video from SermonAudio with a few customizations. You can embed the video you’ve selected, the most recent video from the broadcaster, the most recent from the speaker, or the latest of this event type (in this case a Special Meeting). When selecting the most recent sermon in a category, the embed will automatically update when a new sermon is uploaded that fits your selection.

When embedding on a website, there may be a case when you want to set a specific size at which the embedded video will display. While we generally recommend using auto-width, you do have the option of setting the embed to whatever size you need.

The final option in the video embed editor is selecting the time duration that your video will play. If both check-boxes are left blank, the video will play at its full length when your user clicks the play button. If you select “Use Custom Time,” then you have the option of selecting a specific segment of the sermon that will play on your site. Finally, if you click the autoplay box, the video will immediately begin playing immediately when a user goes to the webpage where you’ve placed your embed.

Audio Embed

Many of the options for embedding audio are very similar to embedding video, with the ability to choose the selected sermon, the latest sermon from the broadcaster or speaker, and the latest sermon of the event type.

Also, as with the video embed editor, you are able to select the display width of the audio player to fit the requirements of your site.

You also have the ability to customize some aspects of the audio player design with a dark theme, for websites with a darker color scheme, as well as a mini player size for embedding the sermon in a smaller area.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.